'Let Strength & Conditioning Coach BZ and BJJ Athlete Bri Robertson teach you the best moves to build ultimate kore and leg strength! This Kore and Legs Workout targets your abdominals, glutes, lower back, and hamstrings among others. This workout is perfect for anyone at any athletic level at home or at the gym. Discover the proper technique and form for exercises such as Kettlebell Squats, Dumbbell Half Get Ups, and Half Kneel Medicine Ball Rotations. Subscribe and check back for more workouts featuring top athletes and fitness experts! Find Us On: W E B S I T E https://www.korehealth.com I N S T A G R A M https://www.instagram.com/korehealthofficial F A C E B O O K https://www.facebook.com/korehealthofficial T W I T T E R https://twitter.com/KoreHealth_ E M A I L [email protected]'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , core , routine , legs , home gym , glutes , lower body , hamstrings , Kore , korehealth , kore health , coach bz
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