'For more information on finger fitness check out - http://handfitness.com If you like the Fiddle Link, here is an amazon link - http://amzn.to/2qOIeFZ In this tutorial video, I will show you three different finger fitness exercises that you can do with your fidget spinner. I have spent the last 30 years dedicated to hand/finger health and exercise to improve my skills as a musician and I hope I can do the same for you. Whether you are a musician, athlete, typist, etc... finger fitness can be a great skill for you to have. Thank you so much for watching and good luck with your hands! -Greg Irwin'
Tags: tricks , add , musician , stress relief , dexterity , grip , Autism , ADHD , grip strength , spinner , spinners , quit smoking , fidget , Hand strength , motor skills , finger fitness , finger strength , hand fitness , addicting , fidget toy , fidget toys , stress toy , greg irwin , fiddllink , hand health , fidgeter , althete , child activity , fiddle link , fidget tool , fidget tools
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