'Benefit from the Finger Gym with Zuzana. Session 3. Five stretch piano exercises.'

'Benefit from the Finger Gym with Zuzana. Session 3. Five stretch piano exercises.'
08:45 Dec 2, 2023
'At home or between lessons, get your fingers moving! In this session  Zuzana shows you five \"octave\" exercises that will help you stretch your fingers.  Especially suitable for the pianist with small hands (BTW, Zuzana is one of them).    Zuzana\'s exercises for beginners are fun, easy and effective.  Use them every day and you will be surprised how quickly you will gain strength, flexibility and confidence in your piano playing.' 

Tags: fit , piano , technique , piano tutorials , Pianist , fingers , Piano Exercises , Piano Lessons , piano for beginners , strech , piano technique , piano lessons on line

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