'Josh went and reviewed the local gym energie fitness Cambuslang. he challanged Owner Chris to a bench press challenge and sit up challenge lol. They also had a chat about covod and fitness and why I wanted to start my YouTube channel. massive thanks to Chris and the team for the invite and tour of the gym it looks amazing and can\'t wait to get back. also like to thank Chris from primeportrait photography for helping with the filming of this video. Now on my video i did mention primetime photography which was wrong so sorry about that lol. Anyway guys please check out his Instagram page. https://instagram.com/primeportraitphotography?igshid=xzezush4upum to join Energie Fitness go to their website and join. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. https://www.energiefitness.com/cambuslang'
Tags: fitness , gym , gym motivation , Health and fitness , muscle , kids fitness , shoulder press , child model , energie fitness , bench press champ , 6 year old challenges adult to bench press , kid.on treadmill
See also: