'Life of Yoga by Fotini Bitrou - Pure Fitness'

01:30 Jan 20
'10 minutesfitness  We all want to be slimmer,to fit into a smaller clothing size,to look healthier,and to glow with an aura that comes only from mental and physical fitness.Of course,it is much easier to talk about losing weight than it is to do it.But with 10 minutesfitness we don\'t have to just talk about getting into shape,we can do something about it! 10 minutesfitness exercises,called asanas, will provide toning and strengthening elementsto keep the body in top physical condition.They are designed to do more than develop the physical body,the relax and strengthen the nervous system,facilitate circulation,and improve flexibility. 10MA will guide you every day to do something for U!Best of all you  will learn how to maintain your new figure.with determination you can make it...and you won\'t believe it when you see the results! If you miss a day don\'t be hard on yourself,just continue the day after that.If you are ill listen to your body. My programme is comprised of five different challenging yoga sessions for each day of the week.I\'ve also provided a pair of warm -up stretches and a pair of cool down stretches. You have now completed my 10 minutesfitness burning programme. www.purefitness.gr  Είμαι πολύ ευτυχισμένη που έχω τη δυνατότητα αυτό που αγαπώ να το μοιράζομαι και να το μεταδίδω. Αγαπώ να μοιράζομαι στιγμές σιωπής αλλά και στιγμές δυναμικής έκφρασης του σώματος και της ψυχής. Μετά από κάθε μάθημα συνειδητοποιώ αυτά που μας ενώνουν, η ανάσα, η ανάγκη για υγεία, ηρεμία και η δίψα για γνώση και φως! Περισσότερα στο http://www.purefitness.gr' 

Tags: fitness , yoga , pure fitness , Fotini Bitrou

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