Feb 19, 2024
'EP 67 | Host James Patrick chats with fitness entrepreneur and founder of DIAKADI, Billy Polson to discuss the untold and often misunderstood life of a fitness entrepreneur. The conversation beings discussing how Billy launched his gym and how he chose to focus on educating the trainers at his facility. The two discusses the various phases entrepreneurs go through in their journey, the process of scaling a business, what the grind is like that is never taught in school, how to focus on your strengths, when to outsources work, why we should strive to exceed our client’s expectations, the importance of testing, how to evaluate competition and when working harder is not the solution! Here is a link to the Business Skills Assessment chapter (Videos, Lectures, and Exercises) of the Fitness Entrepreneur 101 coursework that we discussed during today’s podcast. Connect with Billy Polson at www.thebusinessmovement.com or in IG @businessmovement If you are interested in attending the FITposium 2018 International Conference + Expo happening October 5-7 in Scottsdale, Arizona – head to FITposium.com to register. Also, if you enjoyed this episode, please let us know in the comment section of iTunes – also be sure to follow FITposium on Instagram @FITposium – or if you want more articles and information on our events, please visit FITposium.com Thank you for tuning in!'
Tags: podcast , Business , fitness business , marketing , fitness business podcast
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