'Now is the time to take action and join your state or national alliance to preserve the longevity of the fitness industry! Hear how & why you should join your respective alliance from four industry leaders representing the: National Health & Fitness Alliance, Fitness Industry Council of Canada, New York Fitness Alliance, and Michigan Fitness Club Association. 00:00 About This Show 02:02 Gale Landers on how the NHFA works with and is related to IHRSA 13:04 Nathalie Lacombe walks us through the state of the industry in Canada and how they’re fighting for their six million fitness members and over 6,000 Canadian fitness facilities 29:49 Jeff Sanders shares how he and his board have been working tirelessly to support 2700+ New York health club operators. 50:13 Ed Eickoff shares how the MFCA was founded and the overall importance of having state associations in your industry 01:04:00 List of 18 State Alliances Our Guests: Gale Landers, Founder and CEO of Fitness Formula Clubs with ten locations in Chicago & Chairman for the National Health and Fitness Alliance Nathalie Lacombe, Vice President of Fitness Industry Council of Canada and Advisory Panel Member of Canfitpro Jeff Sanders, Board Chair of the New York State Fitness Alliance and EVP of Sales & Growth Strategies for Energy Fitness Ed Eickoff, Treasurer for the Michigan Fitness Club Association and Executive VP of Real Estate for Planet Fitness Michigan Group Show Resources: National Health and Fitness Alliance: https://hub.ihrsa.org/about-nhfa Fitness Industry Council of Canada: https://ficdn.ca/ New York Fitness Alliance: https://www.nyfitnessalliance.org/ Michigan Fitness Club Association: https://mfcafit.org/ Follow The Fitness Business Podcast: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitnessbusinesspodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/fitbizpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitnessbusinesspodcast/ Watch Our Shows on YouTube: The Value Proposition: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLesZwslOf12HiItKGLz_5egFDWJu-lKAd Thinking Ahead: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLesZwslOf12F0MglMb0WAQgInxyJ0pJvE Educational Intensives: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLesZwslOf12F5peg7gYwaSDe0UAVPBHbT FBP Shows: +++ The Fitness Business Podcast The Fitness Business Podcast is hosted by Dori Nugent and aims to deliver weekly education, information, and inspiration to fitness business owners & managers or any fitness industry professional. We feature fitness industry experts, consultants, and owners from across the globe. We also interview non-industry experts to bring you leading education to help you run your business more effectively, efficiently, and profitable! +++ The Value Proposition with Sarah Pellegrino The Value Proposition is a 30-45 minute show that will give suppliers in the fitness industry a voice. The show will air once per month in both video and podcast format. It will be a really deep dive as to what a supplier and their company can bring to the fitness business above and beyond the product or service that they\'re selling +++ Thinking Ahead hosted by Jason Stowell Jason will be covering trends in our ever-changing fitness industry. He is honored to have this opportunity to host this show and help make our world better one truly amazing expert guest at a time. Contact Information: Website: https://fitnessbusinesspodcast.com Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 2 9484 5501 Join our community: #fitnessbusiness #fitnessindustry'
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