'25 Min. HIIT Abs Kickboxing Workout'

'25 Min. HIIT Abs Kickboxing Workout'
26:27 Mar 3, 2024
'Please consult your doctor before attempting this Intense workout.  Welcome to Extreme25 Power HIIT Kickboxing PT.   We are working our abs and core today. This is the last day of week one and I am so proud of you for making it. Now lets get this core burning!  I will have you sweated and feeling great about yourself and what you have just accomplished after you and I have Pushed Though! ___________________ Follow me: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Erinsgobragh and  Twitter: https://twitter.com/Erinsgobragh' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , core workout , cardio , gym , exercise , loss , weight , lose , Health , core , abs workout , body , muscle , crunches , plank , hiit abs , Cardio Kickboxing , boxing , High-intensity Interval Training (Literature Subject) , side plank , kickboxing , full workout , Fitness (Magazine) , Martial Arts (Sport) , Kickboxing (Martial Art) , erin brooks , erinsgobragh , hiit core , Abdominal Cavity (Anatomical Structure) , pushing through , power hiit kickboxing

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