'Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel! Today\'s video is a little bit different. I take you guys through my weekend, including my Orangetheory Fitness class. I have gotten so many questions about my meal prep, so I also will be showing that to you guys today! xo, Jess ................................................................................................................. Pre-Workout: Atlas Supply Company @atlassupplyco Vlog Camera: Canon SC730 HS Sit Down Camera: Canon Rebel T4i + Canon Rebel T6 ................................................................................................................ Have questions about Orangetheory Fitness? Check out my Coach Q&A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fljMunqMGkc&t=3s ................................................................................................................. Make sure to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel, and ring the bell, so you never miss another video! Connect With Me: Instagram: @jessarlene Twitter: @jessarlene'
Tags: fitness , Health , what i eat in a day , Health and fitness , vlog , fitness journey , meal prep , weekend vlog , Orange Theory , Orangetheory , Orangetheory Fitness , orange theory fitness , OTF
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