'Time to get jiggedy jacked! It\'s upper body day! Coach Mark explains how we should approach the workout if we have equipment available or if we are dealing with limited resources. The strength piece today is Dips and pulling, maybe chin-ups, maybe rows, who knows! The conditioning features Kettlebell Snatches (if you can do them!), 6-count burpees and abwheel rollouts! Be sure to watch the whole video as we have options whether you have gym equipment available or if you have limited options at home! If you have any questions feel feel to leave a comment below, send us a message on Slack if you\'re in the gym or drop us an email to [email protected] thefourbells.com'
Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , home workout , no equipment , gym , Health , muscle , strength , at home workout , FitFam , kettlebell , reps , sets , kettlebell swing , aerobic , warm-up , amrap , emom , sprint , burpee , rows , delts , dips , mobility , Dumbells , Progression , snatch , Jacked , barbell , deltoids , chin-up , kettlebell snatch , abwheel , EMOTM , abwheel rollout
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