05:54 May 13, 2021
'How to create your own workout/fitness plan, don\'t waste your money buying other peoples plans when you can easily create one yourself, here are all my tips, tricks and even a free workout plan to follow!   Get your copy of my 12 Week Transformation Ebook \'Get Gorgeous\' here: https://carlyrowenashop.com/products/getgorgeous  → FREE Workout Plan:  Legs & Butt 10 minute HIIT 30sec Jog - 30sec Sprint 5 minute uphill walk 12 Squats 20kg+ x 3 24 Walking Weighted Lunges x 3 12 Weighted Bridge raises x 3 24 Weighted steps x 3  Chest & Biceps 10 minute Rower HIT 15 Press ups x 3 10 Weighted Chest Fly x 3 10 Weighted Bicep Curls x 3 24 Walking Plank x 3  Back & Triceps HITT, 15 Burpees, 100 skips x 10 sets 10 Weighted Deadlift x 3  12 Bent over row x 3 15 Single arm row x 3 5 pull-ups x 4 15 Tricep Dips x 3  Shoulders & Core 20 minute steady state run 12 Weighted Shoulder Press x 3  10 Weighted Clean & Press x 3 60 Hill Climbers 60 Russian Twists 30 Side Crunches each side 1 minute plank  Don’t forget to upload a #SweatySelfie  ______________________________________­_____   L I N K S  Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=carlyrowena Blog: http://www.carlyrowena.com Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/carlyrowena Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/carlyrowena Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/carlyrowena Email: [email protected]  ________________________________________­_____   F A Q ‘ s  Q: What camera do you use to film? A: I film my videos with the Canon 600D (http://rstyle.me/~4na6C) and my Vlogs with the Olympus Pen (http://rstyle.me/n/xecjgbfvhx) Q: What lighting do you use? A: I use natural lighting and a softbox light: (http://rstyle.me/~4na6a) What editing software do you use? A: iMovie and Final Cut Pro  ______________________________________­_____   Thanks for watching! ❤' 

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