This workout utilizes just 1 dumbbell or 1 weight. Whatever you have in your house will be fine. You could use a dumbbell, a kettlebell, a gallon of water, a bag with some cans in it etc. You only need 1 weight. This workout is intended to help those with limited equipment stay or as a change up to your normal workout routine. All off these moves require core engagement as well as stability. So you will be working your whole body in the fast, effective and tough 30 minute workout. Please check out or home workout programs which will get you in the best shape of your life and support us at https://www.rippedism.com Workout outline: 2 rounds 12 moves per round 45 Secs of Work 20 Secs of Rest 1 Min Rest Between Rounds 1 and 2. Please check us out and support us at https://www.rippedism.com Check out Stu's workouts on instagram live. More information : https://www.instagram.com/stulopoten/
Tags: Workout , core workout , home workout , get fit , cardio workout , total body workout , 30 minute workout , fast workout , intense workout , bootcamp workout , strength workout , dumbbell workout , legs workout , 1 dumbbell workout , limited equipment workout , stu and jeff workout , xfa fitness , rippedism , tough workout , get a 6 pack
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