'Our first year illustrates our motto, “Be Your Best”. We started from nothing, and day by day we pushed, prayed and worked to become better. We’ve found where we were weak and made it better. We will never stop because as a company we are also striving to Be OUR Best. This video is a glimpse into the past year. We truly could not do this without you, and we love you all from the bottom of our hearts. You are all what make KORA, KORA. Drop a comment on YouTube and let us know what you think! KORA: Website: korafitness.com IG: instagram.com/kora.fitness PERSONAL: Syd: instagram.com/sydbrown Tay: instagram.com/tay.brown'
Tags: lululemon , gymshark , clothing review , gym clothes , athletic wear , KORA , Kora fitness , kora ambassador , kora athlete
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