Dec 3, 2020
'23 Oblique Workout Exercises You know that area that people refer to as their muffin top? Or love handles? That area is also more technically known as your obliques. And it is important to work your obliques to build a stronger, more toned core, but also prevent low back and hip pain! Your obliques not only help power rotational movements, but also help you fight rotation when other forces act on you. Try these 23 moves to strengthen and tone those obliques! The 23 Oblique Workout Exercises 1. Side plank oblique crunch (0:51) 2. Two way knee tuck (1:00) 3. Side plank hip dips (1:12) 4. Cross body mountain climbers (1:19) 5. Step with knee drive (1:27) 6. Sit thru with knee crunch (1:37) 7. Bird dog (1:44) 8. Plank with leg kick (1:56) 9. Plank wipers (2:02) 10. Oblique crunch with leg raise (2:11) 11. Oblique V-up rolls (2:21) 12. Leg wipers (2:34) 13. Russian twists (2:46) 14. Sit up chop (2:53) 15. Turkish hinge (3:02) 16. Windmill (3:14) 17. Cross body dumbbell crunch (3:25) 18. Standing dumbbell twist (3:35) 19. Teapots (3:46) 20. Single arm farmers carry (3:54) 21. Stability press (4:04) 22. Resistance band circles (4:12) 23. Hanging knee circles (4:23) 24. Prone Dog (4:34)'
Tags: obliques , oblique workout , oblique exercises , oblique variations
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