'i promise you your glutes & legs will be on FIRE! hope you guys enjoyed, don\'t forget to like, comment, & subscribe it helps me a lot. hope to see you on my next video! FOLLOW ME: ➞ personal instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biancaamariah ➞ fitness instagram: https://www.instagram.com/biancamariahfit - EXERCISE LIST - activation - 4 x 15 glute bridges elevated glute bridges banded squat walks kneeling squats 3 x 15 smith machine squats 3 x 15 smith machine curtsey lunges 3 x 15 curtsey lunges w/o weights - til burnout hip thrusts 4 x 12 burnouts - banded squats/single leg hip thrusts hip abduction 20 reps - moderate weight 10 reps - heavy weight 3 x 12 - moderate weight burnout - pulses on light weight cable - 3 x 12 squats deadlifts cable pull throughs side squats kickbacks finishers step ups - 4 x 12 banded donkey kicks - until failure (each leg) squat jumps - 3 x 12'
Tags: pewdiepie , leg workout , fitness model , booty workout , gym vlog , Fitness vlog , charli damelio , sway house , intense leg workout , grow your glutes , follow me at the gym , get thick , get slim thicc , back in gym , after quarantine workout , bigger glutes , ultimate glute workout , daisy keech , big legs , grow thighs
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