'ViPR Athletic - Evo Prime Fitness'

'ViPR Athletic - Evo Prime Fitness'
00:37 Aug 16, 2021
'ViPR Athletic and 3D were formatted to take full advantage of whole-body integrated training and created to provide a unique atmosphere for the group fitness industry. Both ViPR Athletic and ViPR 3D are highly effective and safe. Loaded Movement Training concept is changing the industry and EvoPrime Fitness is one of the first training centres in Australia offering ViPR GF classes. You will training concurrently strength, movement, mobility and cardio. We want to promote positive lifestyle change with vision, innovation and care. Both programs allow to get a complete whole-body program designed with the intent to enhance: 1/Coordination in many movement patterns, directions and speed 2/Total-body tone, strength and flexibility 3/Mood and well-being 4/Cognitive function 5/Bone and joint health 6/Social camaraderie Suitable for everyone due to it’s unique concept. Everyone is welcome. Check us out at www.evoprimefitness.com' 

Tags: Physical Fitness (Industry) , training , iMovie , Fitness Professional (Profession) , VIPR

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