'A fun easy to follow cardio dance fitness routine to Mabel\'s \"Don\'t Call Me Up\" JOIN THE BOOTY ARMY http://members.thefitnessmarshall.org livestream workouts, ad-free dance videos, strength workouts and more ⭐️SUBSCRIBE http://bit.ly/tfmsub ⭐️INSTAGRAM http://instagram.com/TheFitnessMarshall TOUR/MERCH http://thefitnessmarshall.org
Tags: how to , tutorial , Weight loss , dance fitness , Easy , official , ZUMBA , piano , gay , dancing , cardio hip hop , caleb marshall , booty army , marshal , Mabel , Martial , marshall fitness , fitness guy , ring ring , haley jordan , cameron moody , dont call me up , call me up , dont call me up zumba , dont call me up dance , dont call me up tutorial , dont call me up choreography , mabel dance , petty piano
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