'Follow Men\'s Health cover guy and multi-agency repped international male model Weston Boucher break down the TRUTH behind getting a 6 pack while exposing the plethora of ab workout routine videos that suggest targeting your stomach in the gym alone will yield the elusive washboard abs aesthetic. THE YEAR ROUND 6 PACK // \"How I Train\" & \"What I Eat\" eBooks OUT NOW // https://www.westonboucher.com/shop JOIN WESTON\'S NEWSLETTER: https://www.westonboucher.com/fit MENTIONS // FREE download of \"How To Eat, Train & Supplement Like A Cover Model\": https://www.westonboucher.com/shop SUBSCRIBE to Weston’s channel before you go for free health & fitness tips in future videos each and every week INSTAGRAM // https://www.instagram.com/westonboucher https://www.instagram.com/westonboucherfit WESTON\'S FAVORITE SUPPLEMENTS & PRODUCTS // https://www.amazon.com/shop/westonboucher MORE OF MY VIDEOS THAT YOU MIGHT LIKE // Q & A : You Asked. I Answered. // https://youtu.be/Kpua-AlHvDQ 20 Minute Fat Burn Workout – Cardio Doesn\'t Have To Be Boring! // https://youtu.be/rBpweTZzwn0 MY MORNING ROUTINE – Skincare Secrets From A Male Model // https://youtu.be/7inYxXYt8Ms Best Of The Worst Instagram Messages Read Aloud // https://youtu.be/6B82LX00t04 Top Supplements For Men’s Health // https://youtu.be/x-tWrOEPn38 ABOUT WESTON // Weston Bouchér is a pro model based out of San Diego & Los Angeles. In 7 years, Weston Boucher went from being no one in the modeling industry to going on to work with the likes of iconic brands such as Rolls Royce, Mercedes Benz, Polo, Men\'s Health, Harley Davidson, Mastercard, LG, Cadillac, Pottery Barn, Lexus, Martini & Rossi, Southwest Airlines, Ford Motors, Hyundai, Mattel, Lexus, POLO, Overstock.com, ASRV & is represented by 9 different agencies. My hope is to share my experiences in the industry and save you from a lot of trial and error. While also offering advice that applies to any guy when it comes to style, social media, personal care, and health & fitness. Weston loves the beach life, WW2 era motorcycles, classical guitar, health & fitness, world travel, humanitarian work, being present, and his numero uno role model is Christ. Learn more at: https://www.WestonBoucher.com VIDEO EDITOR // @cuongcongo MUSIC(ending song) // https://www.soundcloud.com/Weston-Boucher'
Tags: abs workout , how to get abs , how to get a 6 pack , how to get a six pack , Abs Diet , weston boucher , fitness model diet , 6 pack diet , fitness model secrets
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