'Strive Fitness Gym Intro Video'

'Strive Fitness Gym Intro Video'
01:08 Sep 23, 2021
'Contact us : www.strivefitnesshk.com Strive Fitness 終於可以同大家分享呢段新嘅簡介片喇片!希望各位對作為香港第一間結合籃球技術同埋高水平體能訓練設施嘅我哋有多啲了解!我哋嘅目標係推動香港籃球去到更高嘅水平!  Strive Fitness is so proud of our new intro video to the gym. We are the first facility in Hong Kong that combines basketball technical skills training with high-performance strength and conditioning all under one roof. Our mission is to take Hong Kong basketball to the next level!!' 
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