'Riding your road bike is great for fitness and is, in our opinion, a key part of a healthy lifestyle. But, us cyclists have all been guilty of a few simple mistakes that can have a massive impact on our riding and fitness. Over-eating, under-eating, failing to maintain your equipment, and many other little slip ups can certainly have an impact on your fitness! Hank and Manon are here to talk you through their top 9 things to avoid if you want to preserve your fitness. Subscribe to GCN Race Pass now, 100% Racing, By Fans, For Fans. https://gcn.eu/Racepass Check out the GCN App: https://gcn.eu/app Introducing our brand new GCN Castelli Pro Training Kit: https://gcn.eu/45k Subscribe to GCN: http://gcn.eu/SubscribeToGCN Register your interest in the GCN Club: https://gcn.eu/45j #Cycling #GCN #RoadBike How many of these have you been guilty of? Let us know in the comments below! Sign up to the GCN newsletter https://gcn.eu/3K7 Join our Facebook community: http://gcn.eu/FBCommunity If you enjoyed this video, make sure to give it a thumbs up and share it with your friends.
Tags: top 10 , fitness , eating , loss , weight , Health , SPORTS , form , training , break , stretching , stress , sickness , under , beer , cycling , physical , gain , bikes , maintenance , mental , relax , global cycling network , Velo , gcn , gc11shs , Ղ , ሙ , crash , bike , sick , Recovery , Bicycle (Product Category) , Road Bike , Cyclist , GCN Cycling , sca15 , ළ , Ժ , Բ , mechanical , gc11sas , Ꮋ , Ձ , gc21s , ិ , Լ , Ծ , wine , hank , over , poor , ruin , broken , Drinking , ཋ , reduce , Crashing , ଐ , n1 , ፕ20 , alchohol , whoop , reaching , stressful , Road Bicycle , lloyd , sec-top-10 , ସ , ଙ , ホ , ィ , ው , ꖐ , ዾ , ጎ , 4063
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