'Hi! Visit website https://bestbellydanceworkout.com where you can join Free Subscription, sign up for Skype Private Class or get access to my unique Belly Dance Programs! ☆Complete Belly Dance Course https://bestbellydanceworkout.com/complete-belly-dance-course ☆15 Minutes Workout https://bestbellydanceworkout.com/15-minutes-workout ☆Isolations and Layers Program https://bestbellydanceworkout.com/isolations-and-layers-program-3 In this video I\'ll show you my 3 favourite exercises for coordination! And it\'s not only for belly dancers! Try this and let me know in comments how it was :) My 3 favourite exercises for coordination! Best Belly Dance Workout ✯✯✯NEW VIDEO EACH WEEK!✯✯✯ Follow my Instagram www.instagram.com/BestBellyDanceWorkout and join my Best Belly Dance Workout Of the Day! #BBDWOD on InstaStories and IG TV! All you need is: ☑ Mobile phone ☑ Internet/WiFi ☑ Follow www.instagram.com/BestBellyDanceWorkout ☑ Check every day InstaStories! . . . If you would like to meet one-on-one during private class on Skype ★ ★ ★ write an email at [email protected] ★ ★ ★ and tell me what type of class you are interested to: - dance styles (classic & folk), - dance with props, - choreography (classic, folk or show) - or technique (coordination, isolations, layers, oriental rhythms and music). Tell me also your dancing level. . . . Do you like new video - My 3 favourite exercises for coordination! Best Belly Dance Workout? Leave comment! ☆ ☆ ☆ Follow me on Instagram ☆ ☆ ☆ www.instagram.com/BestBellyDanceWorkout ☆ ☆ ☆ Follow me on Facebook ☆ ☆☆ www.facebook.com/RaqsSharqiByMahtab #mahtab #bestbellydanceworkout #BBDWOD My 3 favourite exercises for coordination! Best Belly Dance Workout'
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