Mobility work can help you feel better, move better, and allow you to warm up or cool down from just about any workout! Join me for this 30 minutes where we flow through moves to keep your body moving and you joints mobile Please help support my page and keep the workouts coming ! https://venmo.com/code?user_id=2780068359176192578 https://paypal.me/chrissycloset?locale.x=en_US FOLLOW ME Website https://www.cdornerfitness.com/ Instagram http://instagram.com/cdorner_fitness Facebook http://Facebook.com/CDORNERFITNESS. ( FREE LIVE WORKOUTS DAILY) S U B S C R I B E to my channel so you don't miss a workout! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyfg0A7ZE3RJEcbUBS688Fg?sub_confirmation=1
Tags: stretch , yoga , CDornerFitness , mobility , hip mobility , mobility workout , shoulder mobility , back stretch , back stretches , flow yoga , stretching that is not yoga , how to loosen tight hips , tight hip stretches
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