'Blasting Leg Routine at Planet Fitness'

'Blasting Leg Routine at Planet Fitness'
15:31 Oct 30, 2021
'Legs that are built, sculpted and toned helps to enhance the completeness of any physique. Check out this amazing leg routine and give it a try! It will be challenging, and your legs will have no choice but to respond!    WORKOUT ROUTINE: *Squats (4x10-12) *Single Leg Bench Lunges (4x12) s/s with Calf Raises (4x21) *Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts (4x12) s/s with Leg Press (4x12) &   Calf Raises (4x21) *Narrow Stance Leg Press (4x12-16) s/s with Good Mornings   (4x12) *Leg Extensions (4x12-16) s/s with Standing Leg Curls (4x12) *Seated Leg Curls (4x12-16) s/s with Seated Calf Extensions   (4x25) *Abductors (4x12-16) s/s with Adductors (4x12-16) *Standing Kickbacks (4x12) s/s with Lying Leg Curls (4x12)   CONNECT WITH ME FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/inspiredpeopleoffitness INSTAGRAM: Instagram.com/mentorcarlos EMAIL: [email protected]  ~Always shoot for the stars, but if you hit the moon, moonwalk~' 

Tags: Eminem-Lose Yourself

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