'Everyone should know these basic exercises. This next one is The Plough. This is a great way to build your flexibility, help with constipation, but also to simulate chest compression in Grappling. Physical fitness should be a life long commitment. Is it for you? Hopefully knowing these exercises and integrating them in your current workouts will take your fitness up a level. The Patenaude\'s as well as their students and friends have adopted something called the Warrior Code, put forth by their founder, Sijo J. Patenaude. http://warrior.fitness One of the principles contained in the code is Fitness. All of these exercises are part of a program called Warrior Fitness. A systematized way to workout that makes things extremely easy to get started and maintain. If you\'re interested in seeing exactly how we\'ve combined these exercises in our martial arts schools since 1975 to quickly build your strength, endurance and flexibility, simply visit: http://www.warrior.fitness If you live close to one of our schools and want to train in person: http://www.patenaudemartialarts.com Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thewarriorcode/ About Me Profile: https://about.me/patenaude'
Tags: strength training , workout at home , at home workouts , mobility , Plough Exercise , Flexibility Training , home fitness workouts , Sibok Martin Patenaude , Fang Shen Do , Patenaude Martial Arts
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