'Hi guys! If you\'re looking to find the healthier & fitter version of yourself during this quarantine, here\'s how to start working on that core! Follow along with Saachi as she takes you through the FITNESS FORMULA - a 2 week beginners workout challenge that will help you focus on every single part of your body to build core strength, stamina & sculpt! Make sure you subscribe and never miss a video ► https://goo.gl/FOVoGP We\'ll be releasing 1 episode everyday from the 10th - 25th of September at 10 am, IST. So join in for this fun & easy NO - EQUIPMENT workout series! If you want a customised diet plan that is goes hand in hand with this routine just leave \'FIT\' in the comments below! Workout inspo - Chloe Ting Link to her video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pLT-olgUJs Chloe Ting has revolutionised home workouts and we at Glamrs feel extremely motivated to stay fit & healthy after watching her videos so we decided to bring some of that to you guys! We hope you found this video helpful. Thanks for watching! Until next time, stay tuned, stay Glamrs. Glamrs is the first Indian makeup, beauty, style, fitness and lifestyle video platform for women. Tune in daily for the latest and trendy makeup tips, healthcare, fashion ideas, nail art, daily life hacks, interesting DIY videos and much more. Our team of beauty, style, fitness and health experts brings you the best advice, tips, tricks, and home remedies so you are always in-the-know, through quick videos that you can easily watch on your phone. #saachi_mokashi #athomeworkout #fitnessformula #getfitgetglamrs'
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