Butt Workout 3: Firm Extreme from 30 DAY BUTT LIFT is a concentrated butt and lower body-sculpting workout that combines strength-building moves with ballet-inspired exercises to target tone the legs, abs, and all 3 of the major glute muscles to re-shape and tighten the booty. Sculpt a lean and shapely dancer's butt with Expert Trainer & "Booty Bible" Author, Alicia Marie as she takes you through this intense workout that uses a series of unique squats, dancer's exercises, and stretches to burn fat, blast away cellulite, and shape a perfect backside. Learn some of Alicia's favorite exercises that she uses to tighten the abs, increase balance, slim the thighs, strengthen the knees, and tone the obliques. Hit the glutes from every angle with lower body-focused moves including chair lift squats, straight leg kickbacks, pistol squats, open door squats, curtsey knee lifts, pliés, relevés, and dancer's hip & butt stretches. All you will need is 10-minutes, a sturdy chair, and a little motivation to complete this effective workout from the all new "30 Day Butt Lift" Workout Program, only on BeFit! Build strength and craft a lean and perky dancer's butt right from your very own living room. These unique exercises will ignite your weight-loss potential, build strength, and shape your backside to leave you looking your absolute best. Click here for more lower body, butt-shaping workouts. http://bit.ly/1gdwj8L CLICK HERE to go to BEFIT.COM http://www.befit.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=Befitchannel&utm_campaign=annoHome Click to Subscribe to BefiT on Amazon Instant Video for Workout Solutions for Every Body! http://www.befit.com/subscribe/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=YTOrganic&utm_campaign=annoDR Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Befit For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/befit Check out our official website at: http://www.lionsgatebefit.com Butt Workout 3 2-3x a week EQUIPMENT: Sturdy chair (PLUS: towel, water) WORKOUT MOVES AND REPETITIONS ('reps') in this workout: 1. CHAIR SIT SQUAT - 12 reps 2. PISTOL SQUAT COMBO- 10 reps forward, 10 reps to the side (Each Leg) 3. SQUAT TO KICKBACK - 10 reps (5 per leg) 4. OPEN DOOR SQUAT - 15 reps 5. CURTSEY LUNGE KNEE LIFTS - 12 reps each leg 6. POST GRAND PLIE' SQUAT - 15 reps 7. SINGLE LEG KICKBACK - 10 reps per leg 8. SINGLE LEG KICKBACK CROSSOVERS - 10 reps per leg 9. BUTT/HIP STRETCH -- 20 seconds per side Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lionsgatebefit Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/lionsgatebefit Check us out on Google+ https://plus.google.com/104994741925506474033/posts Check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/lionsgatebefit To purchase DVD's, Check out the Lionsgate Fitness store at: http://www.lionsgateshop.com/search_results.asp?type=fitness&GenreId=8
Tags: how to , fitness , abs , cardio , Weight loss , sexy , exercise , diet , Health , core , burn fat , work out , hot , body , muscle , muscles , SPORTS , strong , strength , fat , trainer , exercises , lose weight , free workouts , calories , BeFit , Be Fit , butt , butt workout , squats , legs , 30 day , Malibu , alicia marie , thighs , glutes , booty , stretches , hips , cellulite , butt lift , lower body , buns , extreme , Courtney Prather , plié
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