Jan 23, 2021
'via YouTube Capture OUR KICKBOXING FITNESS CLASSES WILL HAVE YOU KICKING YOURSELF INTO SHAPE WITH A BLEND OF CARDIO AND KICKBOXING THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING GREAT AND LOOKING EVEN BETTER! Not only with this class help you burn calories and give you an excellent foundation for getting into the best shape of our life, but you will be learning how to responsibly use kickboxing techniques for self-defense from our highly-skilled instructors. JOIN TODAY AND IMPROVE YOURSELF: MIND, BODY, AND SOUL! What You\'ll Learn At Kickboxing Fitness Punching and Kicking Anaerobic and aerobic exercises Self-defense techniques Benefits Of Kickboxing Fitness Burn 800-900 calories/hr A new tight, toned, head-turning body'
Tags: YouTube Capture , kickboxing
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