3 Minute Standing Ab Workout - Work Your Abs without Going to the Floor

03:36 Sep 10, 2020
Subscribe for more workouts and tips: http://goo.gl/sxLYmP  You don't have to go down to the floor to work your abs, and this quick workout proves it.  Get ready to work your core while keeping your feet on the floor, all in three minutes!  The Three-Minute Standing Ab Workout consists of four ab exercises done for 45 seconds each:  1) March and Squeeze - Start with both hands straight up in the air and bring one knee all the way up while bringing your arms down, keeping your hands above your elbows and near your body, so your elbows and knee line up, with your knee in between both arms.  As you do this, squeeze your abs.  Return to the starting position and do the same thing with your other knee, and continue to alternate knees.  2) Elbow to Opposite Knee - Bring one arm up so your elbow is at chest height and your hand is above your elbow, and bring your opposite knee up while bringing that arm down so your elbow meets your knee (don't hit them together hard).  As you do this, squeeze your abs.  Return them back to their starting point and do the same thing with your other knee and elbow, and continue to alternate.  3) Straight Leg Raises - Keeping your leg a straight as possible, raise it up in front of your body with bringing the opposite arm down, reaching out your hand to touch your foot (or as close as you can get).  Return them back to their starting point and do the same thing with your other leg and arm, and continue to alternate.  4) Rotate and Punch - Stand with your legs about shoulder width apart and rotate your upper body, throwing a jab out with your arm. Then rotate the other direction and jab with your other arm.  Your feet should stay in about the same location the whole time, with just a little twist of the same foot of the arm that is jabbing to allow the body to rotate.  Do each of these exercises consecutively, for a total of three minutes, and you will have got an awesome ab workout while never going to the ground.  More quick workouts: http://goo.gl/mj1b0C  Additional fitness tips: http://goo.gl/vFWbTL   Here are some other fitness resources you may find helpful:  http://www.Bowflex.com - Find all the fitness solutions you'll ever need to help you be healthy.  http://www.BowflexInsider.com - Head to the Bowflex Insider blog to read the latest in all things related to fitness and health. 

Tags: fitness , abs , ab workout , core workout , exercise , Health , Physical Exercise (Interest) , six pack , quick workout , toned abs , standing ab workout , quick ab workout , quick core workout , Bowflex (Brand) , abdominal exercise , ab workout video

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