'ACFT Events - 3 - Hand Release Push Up - Army Combat Fitness Test'

'ACFT Events - 3 - Hand Release Push Up - Army Combat Fitness Test'
02:09 Jan 16, 2022
'The Hand Release Push Up Event is the 3rd ACFT Event. Boy do I like how the Army is thinking. You ever train so hard for the Push Up Event on the APFT? Make sure you are doing PERFECT push ups and then when you get to the APFT and do the Test you make sure you do PERFECT push ups just like your Drill Sergeant told you. BUT WAIT! LOOK OVER THERE! This guy (or girl) is doing 1/2 push ups and the grader is giving them credit for a full push up!  SAY GOODBYE to the 1/2 Push Up. This new ACFT will put an end to all that... check out this interview and see why. Please comment below and let me know YOUR option on this ACFT Event - The Hand Release Push Up Event.   Keep Training! NewPTtestArmy.com' 

Tags: acft hand release , acft hand release push up , army acft hand release push up , acft push ups , army acft push up , acft push up standards , acft push up tips , acft push up score , acft push up , acft release push up , acft push up event , acft push up strategy , new acft push up

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