'Football / Soccer Specific in Home Workout / Training'

01:04:29 Feb 5, 2021
'Each round consists of seven exercises including: power/plyometrics, agility, quickness, coordination, active recovery, core, technical (ball control), and balance. Work each round as a circuit to work on cardio. One set each round. Push yourself! Enjoy.   Warm-up: Movement combinations, Dynamic stretches, Mobility/Functional movements, Activation  Round 1:  * S/L Lateral Hop over ball (30 sec. each leg / 1 min. total) * Lateral 2-Step over ball (1 min.) * Freestyle Juggle (1 min.) * Freestyle Box/Diamond Agility (1 min.) * Push-up Plank Hold with feet on ball (1 min.) * Freestyle Ball Mastery (1 min.) * S/L Balance moving ball side to side in front (30 sec. each leg / 1 min. total)  Round 2:  * S/L Forward Hop over ball (30 sec. each leg / 1 min. total) * Step-overs with stationary ball (1 min.) * Freestyle Juggle (1 min.) * Freestyle Box/Diamond Agility (1 min.) * Side Plank Hold with feet on ball (30 sec. each side / 1 min. total) * Freestyle Ball Mastery (1 min.) * S/L Balance moving ball side to side behind (30 sec. each leg / 1 min. total)  Round 3:  * Side Skiers over ball (1 min.) * Scissors with stationary ball (1 min.) * Freestyle Juggle (1 min.) * Freestyle Box/Diamond Agility (1 min.) * Plank Hold with one foot on ball (30 sec. each foot / 1 min. total) * Freestyle Ball Mastery (1 min.) * S/L Balance moving ball forwards and backwards (30 sec. each leg / 1 min. total)  Round 4:  * Jumping Headers over ball (1 min.) * Quick feet around ball (30 sec. each way / 1 min. total) * Freestyle Juggle (1 min.) * Freestyle Box/Diamond Agility (1 min.) * Superman Back Ext. Hold with ball between feet (1 min.) * Freestyle Ball Mastery (1 min.) * S/L Balance moving ball around standing leg (30 sec. each leg / 1 min. total)  Cool Down: Dynamic stretches  Thank you!  Music cred:  “If We Never” - Horus Music' 
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