'2 Types Lower Body Exercises | Gym v/s Home Lower Body Workout'

'2 Types Lower Body Exercises | Gym v/s Home Lower Body Workout'
02:54 Feb 7, 2021
'#Beautifulbabe #SmithMachineLowerBody #AtHomeLowerBody  (1) SMITH MACHINE ONLY LOWER BODY WORKOUT  They’re the perfect machine for beginners or even if your gym is super busy you can stay in one place and complete a whole workout  WORKOUT: 1️⃣ Sumo Squats (4 Sets / 12 Reps) 2️⃣ Sumo Deadlifts (4 Sets / 12 Reps) 3️⃣ RDLS (4 Sets / 12 Reps) 4️⃣ Curtsy Lunges (3 Sets / 12 Reps each leg) 5️⃣ Hip Thrusts (3 Sets / 12 Reps)  (2) DUMBBELLS ONLY LOWERBODY AT HOME  WORKOUT 1️⃣ DB split lunges 2x10-12 each. 2️⃣ DB Goblet squats 3x15 3️⃣ DB walling lunges 3x15 4️⃣ Banded Glute bridge hold 3x 60 seconds.   For more update subscribe BEAUTIFUL BABE channel. Like and share videos. Thanks For Watching.' 

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