'Super Navy Seal Burpees And Other Body Workout Routines To Lose Weight and BURN FAT....@Adrian Bears'

'Super Navy Seal Burpees And Other Body Workout Routines To Lose Weight and BURN FAT....@Adrian Bears'
07:20 Feb 10, 2021
'Check out Adrian Bears channel, he does all kind of intense routines that targets full body. Here is his channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7csV6QqWxl9SPoIuDqhKBw __________________________________________________________________________ Routine: -100 Super navy seal burpees -100 Jumping jacks -100 Flutter Kicks -100 Russian Twists -100 Body squats -100 Jumping jacks  Try and try again. Don\'t give up on yourself and make yourself a better person than you were yesterday. Stay tunes for more routines.' 

Tags: fitness , abs , Weight loss , Health , core , arms , fat loss , legs , back , burpees , Army boot camp , Navy seal burpees , Ghetto workout

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