'For all that have asked here is a link for any and all future donations for class. LINK BELOW https://paypal.me/PeeleEffect?locale.x=en_US https://cash.app/$PeeleEffecet WE APPRECIATE YOU ALL! Let\'s Get Active and stay motivated. REMEMBER you don\'t have to be perfect, just give it your all and have fun. You can do the workout more than once to get better and better. I will keep the content coming even after LOCKDOWN. SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE, and COMMENT. Please say Hello to Richard, you will see him in a few more upcoming videos. He takes my hip-hop fit classes on the regular here in Los Angeles along with Marianna. Do this workout at least 3x before next Tuesday. I thank you all for the growing support, messages, post, and good vibes. CONGRATULATIONS to all of you who are losing weight, feel more energy, and feeling good about yourself inside as well. https://www.ThePeeleEffect.com https://www.instagram.com/1mikepeele https://www.instagram.com/peelefitness'
Tags: fitness , cardio , home workout , motivation , workouts , Dance , burn calories , dance fitness , vlog , vlogger , fit , inspiration , cardio dance , tutorials , cardio workouts , dance tutorials , hip-hop dance , life style , mike peele , hip hop fit
See also: