'This total body resistance band workout is broken up into three circuits. Before each circuit, you\'ll have a 3-minute AMRAP challenge without the resistance band. In total, it\'ll take you just under 40 minutes to complete. If you\'re looking for a low-impact workout today with no jumping, skip the AMRAPs—that\'ll give you a 30-minute total body resistance band workout. For the AMRAP blasts, you\'ll do 5 or 10 reps of three different exercises and will cycle through that as many times as possible in the 3 minutes. You should be out of breath by the end! For the circuits, you\'ll do five exercises for 30 seconds each. You\'ll then rest for 30 seconds and repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 sets. Rest after sets, not after individual exercises. WORKOUT BREAKDOWN *3-Minute Bodyweight AMRAP* —10 Lunge Hop to Jump Lunge (5 each side) —5 Burpees —10 Marching Planks *Lower Body Circuit: @06:44* —Squats —Low Side Steps —Pulse Combo in Low Squat: Down and Out —Hip Bridge Lifts —Pulse Combo at Top of Bridge: Up and Out *3-Minute Bodyweight AMRAP* *Upper Body Circuit: @19:53* —Triceps Kickbacks Right —Triceps Kickbacks Left —Bent Raise —Rev Fly Pulls —Alternating Lat Pulldown *3-Minute Bodyweight AMRAP* *Core Circuit: @32:41* —Plank Knee Crunches Right —Side Plank Crunches Right —Bicycle Crunches —Plank Knee Crunches Left —Side Plank Crunches Left As with all workouts, make sure to warm up beforehand. I have a warm up on my channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks-lK...) or you can do your own. Listen to your body and modify as needed, stopping altogether if something doesn\'t feel right. A proper cool-down is important, too! Take some time to stretch after this workout. Full blog post: https://pumpsandiron.com/2018/08/20/total-body-resistance-band-workout-with-amrap-blasts/ EQUIPMENT I USED —Heavy resistance band https://amzn.to/2nwz8tM —Medium resistance band http://amzn.to/2r952Ai LET\'S HANG OUT! --Blog https://pumpsandiron.com --Facebook http://bit.ly/1RN9JRN --Instagram http://bit.ly/1PHwTHL --Twitter http://bit.ly/1ZNcSqX Song credit: Pacific Sun by Nicolai Heidlas'
Tags: fitness , Workout , home workout , at home workout , total body workout , fitness blogger , resistance band workout , pumps and iron , nicole perry , resistance band , mini band
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