'Steve Kamb: How to Party without Getting Fat, Yoga for Nerds & Beating Your Personal Bests'

53:12 Aug 25, 2023
'Click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus  Get Abel\'s Album, Swamp Thing here: http://swampthingmusic.com   This week, we’re here with one of my greatest allies in the fitness world, Mr. Steve Kamb, the raving lunatic behind Nerd Fitness. Among other things, we’re going to talk about how to beat your personal bests, how to be smart about drinking booze, and why it’s important to party.  Steve rocks out with epic workouts all over the world, exploring the ruins of Machu Picchu, diving with sharks on the Great Barrier Reef, living like James Bond in Monte Carlo, and guest lecturing at Google and Facebook Headquarters.  AND, if I do say so myself, he knows how to throw a dang good party!  If you’ve listened to the past few episodes of Fat-Burning Man, you know that I just released a new album of original music called Swamp Thing. Steve Kamb was leading the epic after party in Nashville, and you’ll hear all about our shenanigans in this special episode of the show.  Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fatburnman' 

Tags: Travel , podcast , paleo , abel , partying , abel james , fbm , nerd fitness , Steve Kamb , fat-burning man

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