'Band lateral walks 4x20: The target muscle group in this exercise is the gluteus medius, or glut med for short. It can serve as an excellent warm up for the lateral hip muscles. The lateral hip muscles help us keep the knees safely on track, our pelvis in a neutral position, and most exciting; they help create perky glutes. KB Swings 4x20: Kettlebell (KB) swings target the glutes, hamstrings, core, and back muscles. When performing a kettlebell swing, you have to pump blood to the legs, then the arms, then back to the legs again on every single repetition. This back and forth cycle will force the heart to work extra hard, leading to a cardio respiratory conditioning effect.Because this is a long set of 20 swings, you’ll also improve your cardio respiratory endurance. Kettlebell swings are great for improving conditioning, but also for hip power, overall stability, and core efficiency. Push up plank 4x20: Nothing trains the core better than planks... Besides push up planks. Start in a plank on the forearms (low plank). While keeping the hips completely stable, press up into a plank on the hands (high plank), using one arm at a time.Repeat down, and up again. The best oblique work happens here when the hips are not rocking side to side. The glutes and inner thighs(adductors)help with this. If it’s too challenging to keep the hips still, widen the foot stance. Twisting walking lunge 4x24: This exercise is a classic lower body staple, but with a “twist.”The walking lunge uses the quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves, back and core muscles, and with the added torso rotation, there’s an oblique contraction as well. Any type of locomotion (travelling) exercise will always improve balance and coordination. With that, locomotion also improves the overall functioning of joints, since walking is a skill we need to be good at in order to function in life. KB Thrusts 4x15: To get the most bang for your buck, choose exercises that use as many joints as possible. The KB thrust uses ankle, knee, hip, spine, shoulder, elbow, and wrist musculature. Because there are so many joints being used, more muscles are being used, and the heart is challenged to pump blood back and forth between the upper and lower body. When performing the KB thrust, rely mostly on the legs to start the momentum, and let the arms press up after. KB Farmer walk 20 yards: The kettlebell farmer walk, or farmer carry, is basically heavy walking. The hip extensors (glutes and hamstrings), work extra hard to push your loaded body forward. This exercise also improves joint function, neutral spine, core stability, and rotator cuff strength. Farmer walks are best done with heavy loads! KB Single leg deadlift 4x15: The kettlebell single leg deadlift is an excellent way to work the body unilaterally(unevenly). When we train the body unilaterally, we improve coordination, the reflex/reaction time of our stabilizers, balance,and oblique function. Keep the hips totally even, with both hip bones facing the floor at the bottom position of the exercise. KB Sumo Squat 4x15: The sumo squat is a variation of a squat that allows for more hip external rotation, and a more vertical torso position. These differences make it a good supplement to a conventional squat. Always keep the knees tracking over the 1st and 2nd to keep the knees safe, and for maximum muscle engagement. KB V Crunch 4x15: The core is capable of producing movement or resisting movement (stabilizing). In this exercise, the core is used to move the spine into a forward bend (crunch), and the hip flexors move the legs up off the ground. Combined, the V crunch trains most muscles on the front of the body. Aim the kettlebell as close as possible to the feet, and exhale out on the way up for maximum core contraction. KB Squat (suitcase) 4x12: The kettlebell squat can be performed in several ways, depending on where the load is placed. This variation is called the suitcase squat because the load is placed on either side of the body, similar to how suitcases would be held. The suitcase squat is unique because it allows for the shoulders to stay open, and the grip and rotator cuff muscles to contract. The repetitions are lower than some other exercises in this workout, so go heavy! KB Bridge 4x15, KB Russian twist 4x30: These two exercises are at the end of the workout because they are considered “accessory” exercises. Accessory work is usually lighter in intensity,and focused on developing single muscle groups, or one joint’s function. Here, the kettlebell bridge mainly trains the glutes and hamstrings, while the Russian twist focuses on torso rotation. Bridge patterns can also be a great choice for a warm-up movement, because it encourages a neutral pelvis position. A neutral pelvis needs to be created before the work out starts, because almost all other exercises in standing require this stable hip position.'
Tags: Workout , personal trainer , Personal Training , push ups , weight training , men's fitness , kettle bell , FPTI , Focus Personal Training Institute , fitness school
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