25 Minute, at home intense, follow along, full body, TRX workout (11 exercises)

25 Minute, at home intense, follow along, full body, TRX workout (11 exercises)
25:21 Aug 25, 2020
Due to the Virus many gyms are closed and many people are afraid to go to the gym even if its open due to the fact they are a challenge to keep clean.  TRX is a great body weight workout used with a strap. We have 11 exercises in this workout video.  1. TRX rows (targeting the back) 1:33 2. TRX Bicep curls (targeting the biceps) 2:17 3. TRX reverse fly (targeting the rear delt) 2:57 4. TRX front raise (targeting more of the front of the shoulder) 3:52 5. TRX pushups (targeting chest) 4:38  6. TRX tricep extensions (targeting the triceps) 5:32 7. TRX Jump squats (do regular squats if too tough (targeting legs) 6:30 8. TRX Jump lunges (targeting quads, glutes) 7:27 9. TRX knee tucks (targeting lower core) 9:00 10. TRX mountain climbers (targeting a mixture of conditioning and core) 10:08 11. TRX single leg pistol squats (targeting more leg, quad, glutes)  11:22  Hope you guys enjoy this workout I will have timed stamps in the pinned comment. Does anyone want me to start a fitness channel? If I get several people interested then I would be interested in doing that.   You can buy a TRX on amazon for $70 https://www.amazon.com/RitFit-Bodyweight-Resistance-Integrated-Extension/dp/B084VK9J8H/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1KR9Z5WYBL3B&dchild=1&keywords=trx&qid=1597260142&sprefix=trx%2Caps%2C194&sr=8-8 (I am not sponsored in anyway by anyone)      Follow us  Instagram : Jakeandsarahhealthnuts  https://www.instagram.com/jakeandsarahhealthnuts/  The world is more plagued with disease and sickness than ever before. Obesity, cancer, and heart disease keep rising. Are you looking for a healthy lifestyle? If you are then this is the channel for you as we teach about healthy recipes and great healthy life habits. 

Tags: fitness , full body workout , at home workout , at home workouts , intense workout , body weight exercises , 25 minute workout , trx , trx training , trx workout , how to TRX workouts , TRX workouts , TRX fitness , fully body workouts , TRX core workouts , TRX leg workouts , TRX upper body workouts

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