Jan 11, 2024
'Kaila Uli is a successful entrepreneur and social media personality. Kaila is the CEO of Brillies. (https://brillies.co) She\'s amassed a little over 100K followers on TikTok in just a few short months, and has been helping small business owners streamline their company for years. Her peers have already started touting her as “The Female Gary V” and that title couldn’t be any more flattering and accurate! Action Junkeez fan favorite, Vanessa Serros aka The Pint Sized Warrior also joins us on this episode! **Please note this episode was a segment from our 24 Hour Live Podcast on March 6th. Follow all of us: Action Junkeez: https://www.instagram.com/actionjunkeezpodcast/?hl=en Kaila Uli: https://www.instagram.com/kailauli/ Vanessa Serros: https://www.instagram.com/vanessa_serros/?hl=en Jon Orlando: https://www.instagram.com/jonorlando/ Adam Lieberman: https://www.instagram.com/alieberman/'See also: