'The Value Proposition for Creating Health & Changing Lives with Isophit™'

'The Value Proposition for Creating Health & Changing Lives with Isophit™'
25:56 Jan 16, 2024
'Join Sarah Pellegrino as she speaks with Brad Thorpe, Inventor of the Isophit, to learn about this safer, more effective, and more efficient workout. We cover the benefits of isometric training, how to partner with Isophit, and which Isophit model is the best fit for your business!    What You’ll Learn:  1) The overall benefits of Isometrics training, including pain management, muscle contractility, increased neural activity, and the overall magnification of any fitness goals.  2) The type of business partner Brad is looking to join the Isophit family, and the benefits to you for bringing Isophit into your business!  3) The different types of Isophit models and what model would be best for your home, fitness business, sports facility, and more!   

Tags: fitness business , fitness industry , fitness business online , Fitness business marketing , fitness business podcast , fitness business ideas , Fitness Business Channel , fitness business 2022

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