'What we learned working with 500 fitness businesses - Built to Grow Podcast #016'

'What we learned working with 500 fitness businesses - Built to Grow Podcast #016'
25:09 Feb 11, 2024
'In this episode, Tim and Randy will leverage their four and a half years of knowledge gained from their marketing agency, ProFit Marketing Solutions, working with more than 500 different fitness studios and gyms across the world.   They will dive into the fact that most gym businesses suffer from more than just marketing issues, and share some valuable tips on exactly what you as a gym owner with a unique business can do to sustain and grow your business.  Key Takeaways:  Marketing has never been your problem (01:20) Marketing changes constantly. You must change with it (04:28)  Keep your clients happy and you won’t need new ones (05:58) You need to be positioned as the expert (10:26) The actual needs of a gym business are beyond new leads (13:01) Finding the appropriate level of engagement with your business (15:50) Your sales system could be flawed (16:33)  --  You can find out more about Tim and the strategies covered in this episode by [checking out our website.](http://bit.ly/timlyonsjr)  --  **Would you rather watch the video version instead?** Head over to our YouTube channel to watch this episode by going [here](http://bit.ly/B2Gyoutube)  --  If you don’t already have my book, get your copy FREE [here](http://bit.ly/builtogrowbook).  --  **Connect with Tim:** - [Schedule A Call](https://calendly.com/timlyons) - [Facebook](http://bit.ly/timlyonsFB) - [Instagram](http://bit.ly/timlyonsIG) - [LinkedIn](http://bit.ly/timlyonsLI)   **Connect with Randy:** - [Facebook](http://bit.ly/randyangstenFB) - [Instagram](http://bit.ly/RandyAngstenIG)  --  Subscribe to the podcast on [Apple](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/built-to-grow/id1457396337?mt=2), [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/3A92dUCG5jF0zsMprE2g41?si=Syu2wgO_QmySIjPX6CRCPA), [Google](https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5zaW1wbGVjYXN0LmNvbS9NS014TndWRw%3D%3D), [Stitcher](https://www.stitcher.com/s?fid=384848&refid=stpr), [YouTube](http://bit.ly/B2Gyoutube) or anywhere else you listen to your podcasts.  If you haven\'t already, please rate and review the podcast on [Apple Podcasts](https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/built-to-grow/id1457396337?mt=2)!' 

Tags: Workout , gym , Business , entrepreneur , businesstips , gym owners , built to grow , tim lyons , randy angesten

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