'GET A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH US TODAY: https://www.loudrumor.com/sales Attention gym owners! 2021 has been an incredible year of growth and learning. So with the new year just around the corner, we put together a list of the top 10 fitness business takeaways to get you started in 2022 and beyond! 10: How This Gym Owner Goes From $8K to $58K in MRR | The GSD Show: https://youtu.be/5vETysnS4lc 9: 4 Tips Gym Owners Can Use To Motivate Their Team To Grow Their Business: https://youtu.be/Dc3P98oaFoo 8: How to Overcome Gym Membership Cancellation Requests: Phone, Text, & In-Person ROLEPLAY: https://youtu.be/BYB_Zv9w7VA 7: 5 Easy Steps To Launch Your Gym’s Audio Podcast In Under 15 Minutes: https://youtu.be/LqTCqTWl_n4 6: 5 Keys To Following Up With Your Leads To Hit Your Gym’s Memberships Faster: https://youtu.be/29m75_q_htk 5: 5 Ways To Create Killer Video Content For Your Gym On An iPhone: https://youtu.be/27Q5CoqvVZw 4: How To Use Digital Marketing Funnels To Attract Leads and Grow Sales In Your Gym: https://youtu.be/UaoyRcULpb4 3: Building a Powerful Fitness Studio Brand: https://youtu.be/7uacOnRvXUk 2: 3 Hacks to Overcome Sales Objections in Your Gym (Lack of Certainty): https://youtu.be/-1r1snGiMoQ 1: SECRET SHOPPING GYMS Lessons To Learn From a Member’s POV: https://youtu.be/AM-SSQyxqzY SOCIAL: Facebook: https://facebook.com/boom.loudrumor/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/loudrumor/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/loudrumor Web: https://loudrumor.com/reviews #LoudRumor #FitnessMarketing #GymOwner'
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