'My good friend Daniel Lona (Kettlebell Coach turned Fitness Copywriter) invited me onto his show - The 7-Fitgure Fitness Business - to talk about how I built authority online, got in front of more people and built my audience and business from absolute scratch. Catch the full episode here https://www.fit-copywriting.com/blog/authority-marketing-marianne-kane or here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-7-figure-fitness-business/id1536361838 . Given all I\'ve now learned about marketing, this \"strategy\" is your best chance of making it online, and when it\'s done right, it\'s the easiest and most sustainable thing you can do to make a name for yourself in your niche. Especially if you value authenticity and just being yourself. . If you\'d like to keep in touch with me off Facebook and Instagram (coz I quit social media), go here: https://myomyfitness.com/stay-in-touch-off-social-media/ WHERE ELSE TO FIND ME: NEW \"Less is More\" Workout Community for Women Who Want to be Fit, Healthy and Strong for Years to Come...With Just One Workout per Week: https://equippedwithstrength.com Main blog: https://myomyfitness.com ============================= FREEBIES: 6-Weeks of Workout Ideas & Inspiration Email Series: https://myomyfitness.com/6-weeks-of-workout-ideas/ My go-to Glute Blast Workout: https://myomyfitness.com/glute-blast-workout/ My Push-Up Master Plan: https://myomyfitness.com/master-the-push-up/ ============================= MY PRODUCTS & SERVICES: MEMBERSHIP: Weekly Workout Community focusing on building in easy consistency so you feel strong and fit, and have more time and energy to enjoy life: https://equippedwithstrength.com PROGRAMS: 8-Week Back to Fitness Series: https://equippedwithstrength.com/back-to-fitness-home-kettlebell-workout-series/ 8-Week Feel-Good Home Workout Pack: https://equippedwithstrength.com/eight-week-home-workout-pack/ COURSE: Achieve your first unassisted pull-up: https://pullupacademy.com Reach out if you\'ve any questions here: [email protected]'
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