Mar 25, 2024
'Justin Tamsett, the chair of REX Roundtables, discusses the benefits of REX Roundtables for fitness business owners. He explains that REX Roundtables provide a way for owners to stay up-to-date on industry trends and network with other like-minded business owners. Learn more about REX Roundtables: https://rexroundtables.com Justin Tamsett joined REX because he wanted to be part of a team and have his finger on the pulse of the industry. He felt that being part of REX would give him a competitive advantage. The conversation between Justin Tamsett and Dori Nugent is focused on the importance of trust within a group coaching program like REX. Justin Tamsett explains that REX Roundtables are unique because they allow business owners to openly discuss their struggles and successes with their peers without worry of competition. He also highlights the importance of confidentiality of the REX meetings, and the use of numbers to objectively compare progress from meeting to meeting. Highlights: The Benefits of Joining A Team for Business Owners The Power of Trust in Building a Business Family The Benefits of REX Roundtables for Business Owners A Unique Business Coaching Program A New Way to Grow Your Business A Place for Industry Leaders to Connect and Grow A Family of Fitness Professionals FOLLOW US: Web: https://fitnessbusinesspodcast.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fitnessbusinesspodcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/fitbizpodcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitnessbusinesspodcast/ Contact Information: Website: https://fitnessbusinesspodcast.com Email: [email protected] Phone: +61 2 9484 5501 #fitnessbusiness #fitnessindustry #gymbusiness'
Tags: fitness business , fitness business owners , rex roundtables
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