Jun 8, 2024
'After a year, I finally got all 100% achievements in Fitness Boxing 2 for the Nintendo Switch. I was ready to move on to something when the game just dropped the bomb on me. Reaching 100% actually unlocked 3 new Difficult Training, along an all new set of EX Achievements. It seems I still have a final stretch to give to the game. One of those achievements is actually training for 365 Days in a row. That is with the Daily Workout, and not with Free Training, hence why even though I have 381 days in a row, it only count 330, because for a while I was only doing free training, and it doesnt actually count for consecutive days for the EX Achievements. In any case, the video starts once I\'m unlocking the first Difficult Training. I was totally caught off guard and was not on my capture card once I was reaching 100% achivements. Though I did take a few screenshots of when it happened, which you can watch here: https://twitter.com/Drac_Mazoku/status/1472704174970265604 In this videos, I\'m going through the EX Achivements, and then do all 3 new training in a row on No Mercy difficulty. Sorry for the black line that shows up sometime, I plugged everything too quickly I think, and the connection was not 100% clear. In any case, enjoy! 01:08 - EX Achievements shower 05:49 - Difficult Challenge Combo #3 23:23 - Difficult Challenge Combo #2 39:27 - Difficult Challenge Combo #1 56:20 - One last EX Achievements overview'See also: