'In today\'s PSYFI Fitness tip, we show you a great warm-up exercise to work on upper and lower mobility, hip mobility and proprioception with the Elevated Mountain Climber! PSYFI’s mission is to help you achieve peak physical, mental and emotional performance by training the Brain, Body, and Breath together through a workout focused on Psychology AND Fitness™ Start using these PSYFI Fitness Tips to start living the LIMITLESS life you want TODAY.'
Tags: motivation , Life Hacks , nyc , brain , life coach , psychology , psychologist , Fitness coach , Neuroscience , life coaching , pfx , David Mykel , psychology fitness , live your best story , B3 methodology , PFX class , PFX System , brain body breath , PFX fitness , PFX Psychology , psychology-fitness , train like you play , psychology fitness experiences , PSy-Fi System , B3-Methodology , PFX method , PFX Experience , Train like you live , CliffHanger Academy
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