'This is a JHTV throwback video, which I did with some of the guys from my RugbyFit training camp, I also invited the top lads from London Muscle down @LDN_muscle to take part. Check out full video http://www.jameshaskell.com/blog/fitness/group-fitness-rugby-session. I have done quite a few things with them in the past, and wanted to show them the kind of training sessions we do for rugby. The idea was to put them through a session that we would use during pre-season training, or during the season as fitness top up. This session would mainly be for used for squad players who don\'t get much, if any game time, at the weekend. I wanted to share this session, as we cover a lot of this type of training in my new RugbyFit EBook, “An Introduction to becoming and Remaining Rugby Fit”. It\'s not just for rugby players, but anyone who fancies improving or stepping up their training a notch or two. If you want to find out more about my RugbyFit EBook, then click here https://www.jameshaskell.com/learn-more-ebooks. Additionally to read the video support blog in full, as well as view and be able to follow the detail for all the exercise sessions shown on the video click here: http://www.jameshaskell.com/blog/fitness/group-fitness-rugby-session. If you want to find out more about fitness, training and nutrition then please visit www.jameshaskell.com or go straight to the EBook page: http://www.jameshaskell.com/products/training-ebooks Subscribe to JHTV: http://bit.ly/19x45gT Website: http://www.jameshaskell.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/jameshaskellhf Instagram: https://instagram.com/jameshaskellhf/ Don\'t forget our multiple award winning supplement range, specifically designed to boost your training. All the supplements are Informed Sport batch tested so there are additives or harmful chemicals. Informed Tested products are the only supplements, which members of the armed services and elite athletes can safely take. Try it here: http://www.jameshaskell.com/products/supplements/hades.'
Tags: fitness , workouts , bodybuilding , muscle , Physical Fitness (Industry) , Physical Exercise (Interest) , funny , fat loss , power , england , skills , hard work , Weight Loss (Symptom) , rugby , Training (Industry) , world cup , ldnmuscle , james haskell , haskell , Wasps , Aviva Premiership Healthy the james haskell , power endurance , Rugby Football (Sport) , world cup rugby , rugby training
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