'DaMon HYBRID Mayers Sponsored by USPLabs, Hylete, King Kong Bag, Renaissance Periodization, Anderson Powerlifting This is my journey to a 1800 pound total. Join my facebook page for updated pics and subscribe to my newsletter for amazing recipes and articles on health and fitness. You can also follow me on twitter to get day to day pics of me and my dieting habits, nutritional tips Facebook https://www.facebook.com/damonmayers https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hybridathleticsystems Twitter https://twitter.com/damonmayers Sponsors Renaissance Periodization The scientific approach to training and nutrition http://renaissanceperiodization.com/ USPlabs Real People Real Results http://usplabsdirect.com/ The King Kong Bag First bag built for Elite fitness http://www.thekingkongbag.com Da’Mon’s Training Logs http://damonmayers.blogspot.com EMAIL me damon at hybridathleticsystems.com Topics covered: band chains \"deadlift\" endomorph endomorphs \"gain muscle\" \"fat loss\" \"lose weight\" tips advice \"weight loss\" weight fat abs workout \"bodybuilding routine\" strength conditioning exercise sets \"chef buff\" Training exercise gyms advice howto muscles build gain gym workout athletes \"workout routine\" routine exercises \"chef buff\" fitness bodybuilding funny \"home exercise\" weights \"before after\" transformation \"six pack\" \"physical athlete exercise\" sexy Youtube Fitness video videos epic \"before and after\" \"personal trainer\"'
Tags: fitness , Workout , exercise , Weight Training (Hobby) , strength , training , iMovie , press , Bench , squat , Weight Loss (Symptom) , Personal Trainer (Profession) , Bodybuilding (Sport) , Pilates (Sport) , LA Fitness (Business Operation) , Powerlifting (Sport) , Weight Gain (Symptom) , CrossFit (Business Operation) , Weight Watchers (Publisher) , Sexual Intercourse (Literature Subject) , Bikini Beach (Film)
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