Aug 22, 2021
'What\'s up Werk Dat Fam. I am working a big project to help expand Werk Dat and bring more werkouts and fitness creators to you. I have been working on a video on demand service because of recent and future changes towards copyright and music. I want fitness to be my full time business and I need to starting earning so I can help more people like you! For now you can join me on the Zoom livestream 3 days a week. I do livestreams 3 days a week on Tuesday & Thursday 7pm (EST) and Saturdays 9:30am (EST). It\'s pay what you can/donation based for now. Here is the link to signup and get the details. https://mailchi.mp/29ec94691d13/werkdatemailsignup Be sure to hit the Subscribe Button & Notification Bell to keep up with the latest video’s. **** Follow me on my other social networks where I post motivation, nutrition and fitness tips. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/werkdatwithdennis/ Website: https://www.werkdat.com/'See also: