Sep 11, 2021
'For Sponsorship Opportunities → Serious inquiries at [email protected] Become a Patron! → https://bit.ly/3j1bsYQ Try our ONE WEEK CHALLENGE → https://bit.ly/31d28e7 Try our 7 DAY SLAY → https://bit.ly/2Ixpip7 Try our 1,000 calorie workout. It is definitely intense! Keep in mind that everyones results will vary depending on your current age, height, weight and fitness level. Take water breaks or pause the workout when you need to. Also, notice the low impact options that I show you and do what is best for you. This video is for exercise purposes only. We do not own any rights to any music being played.'
Tags: cardio workout , dance fitness , hiit workout , bts , 1000 calorie workout , burn 1000 calories
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