'Garage Gym Bicep Workout Download the training guide for this workout: https://garagegymwarrior.com/warrior-beast-burn-biceps-workout/ Join Garage Gym Warrior Beast now at: http://garagegymwarrior.com In this workout, we will be performing 6 different bicep exercises. For each exercise, we will be doing 3 sets of 10 reps. Between each set, we will also be completed a bodyweight conditioning movement and a core training movement. We will then rest for 1 minute between each round…..LET’S GET STARTED! WARRIOR BEAST is an 8 week follow-along training program that will build muscle, increase strength, and burn fat. Whether you’re at a beginner or advanced fitness level, this program will guide you every step of the way to making serious gains with minimal equipment and from the convenience of your home or garage.'
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